Category: Products




MISC University Registration System (MURS) is designed for Universities, or any other educational institutions that aim to automate all the proceduresrelated to any Registration System


Characteristics of the system rotate around:

  1. Improving  the services provided for decision makers;
  2. Improving  the services provided for students;
  3. Complying with the latest Information Technology Standards;
  4. Covering all the needs and requirements of the Universities in the most appropriate manner;
  5. Depending on dynamic attributes and business rules (e.g. application rules, excellence rules, warning rules, study period rules, academic plan, attribute table … etc).
  6. Using web enabled database and J2EE development tool;
  7. The System is bilingual. (Arabic, English).
  8. Covers both of Hours certified system & Yearly system


MURS Modules:

  1. System rules
  2. Classify new application every year as application rules.                       
  3. Student's information.
  4. Majors change
  5. Transfer.
  6. Withdraw
  7. Scholarship
  8. On line registration: Students can register from the internet.                          
  9. On line Drop and Add courses.
  10. Grading at the end of the terms(semesters averages accumulative averages)
  11. Manage professor records  
  12. Lecturers’ evaluation.                          
  13. On line Academic guidance.
  14. Financial System.
  15. Lecturer's information. 
  16. Students Advising (professor guidance, electronic guidance by the system
  17. Online student inquiries Course registration.
  18. Administration student's action.
  19. Student graduation procedures


Main Modules:

  1. Statistical system
  2. Automated Semester Schedule.
  3. Automated Examination schedule (times, supervisors and rooms).


Faculty module

  1. Manage professor records
  2. Lecture’s evaluation
  3. Online Academic guidance
  4. Lecturer’s information


Integrated with:

  1. Library system
  2. HR System
  3. Student Services System
  4. Accounting system